Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yesterday we went visiting 2 houses, my husband really liked one so he made an offer! They accepted so he now has to gather all the papers needed and so we will have a house soon! I hope it will be before the school restarts as it is 5 min from the school! It is also 5 min from the station which goes to St Lazard (down town Paris) in 10 min !
Since we arrived I haven't been able to find time for sewing but now that we have chosen the house, I will have more!
Today will be egg hunt with the kids... I hope the weather stays dry!


  1. Val,
    I am so happy that you are settling in your new home. It is lovely! You will be able to begin sewing, and your kids will be close to their school. It is amazing how quickly you found a house. Good luck and be happy!
    Please keep in touch!

  2. I love the look of your new house :) Hope your move into it goes without any problems :)

  3. Dear Val,
    That was fast! Your new home is charming and it looks like you will have space for your sewing - an important feature.
    Hope it happens fast for you!

  4. To all my friends, I will have a guest room so I hope you will come visit me!

  5. Val,
    This house looks wonderful. You'll soon feel at home. Sounds like Shipshe was even better than last fall. I missed it too.
